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The children’s unit at Royal Preston Hospital have asked if we can help fund a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to be used across the ward  and the paediatric assessment unit (day cases). A VR headset is a head-worn apparatus that completely covers the eyes for an immersive 3D experience. For example, you might experience swimming with dolphins in an underwater setting, which feels as if you are really there, and is very relaxing. Using virtual reality as a form of distraction therapy reduces pain and improves the hospital experience for children and young people who are undergoing  uncomfortable or painful procedures such as blood sampling, joint injections, dressing changes, cannulation, surgical procedures, lumbar punctures, urinary catheters, and others.

Through providing distraction and relaxation, the VR headset will help children cope with pain and contribute to a better experience of treatment. It will also reduce anxiety, stress and isolation, and improve emotional wellbeing, which in some cases can even eliminate the need for sedation and analgesia. The headset would benefit at least 12 children every day from across Preston, Chorley, and South Ribble. It would have the most impact with children aged six and above, as by this age they may be more anxious as they develop greater awareness of what is happening.

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Fingerpost Health Centre, St Helens

Children across the UK have a 0.8% probability of continence problems including both bladder and bowel. In the St Helens area the occurrence is almost double that percentage. The Paediatric Continence Team based at Fingerpost Health Centre has requested Ultrasound Bladder Scanner for their service to enable them to treat children in their own homes. […]

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Stepping Hill Tree House Unit – AccuVein AV500 vein viewer


Veins in children and babies are not easily visible to the naked eye when performing invasive procedures such as inserting cannulas or taking blood samples.  The AccuVein AV500 is a handheld medical device that illuminates veins below the skin allowing the clinician to see and access the veins more easily. The vein finder improves patient […]

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For the past nine years MedEquip4Kids has been providing packages of resources for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across the UK to help the services enhance their care for the one in six children and young people in the UK with a diagnosable mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, […]

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“This new incubator has the addition of scales to weigh the baby with the minimum of disruption. It also has integral oxygen, which minimises kit and clutter around the incubator space. We will be able to control the temperature, humidity and oxygen to suit the baby’s individual requirements.”

Julie Armstrong
Lead Nurse, Neo Natal Unit
Wigan Infirmary

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