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Firwood High School is a specialist school in Bolton for secondary aged students who have severe or profound learning difficulties. Many students also have physical disabilities which severely restrict their mobility.

An Acheeva Bed is a special bed which allows physically disabled pupils to lie straight and work in a supported, balanced posture. It is compact and easily moveable, so children can be included in class activities. Its height and angle can be adjusted so the child can see what is being shown to other pupils, and also be at eye level with staff and their classmates in wheelchairs.

Firwood High School has requested an additional Acheeva Bed to support the clinical needs of  two pupils with severe and complex medical needs.  Access to this postural equipment will improve their range of movement and help to prevent potential deformities of the spine and hips. It will enhance the students’ ability to participate in curriculum activities which in turn raises their self esteem and well being. Physio exercises can also be done on the Acheeva and it can be taken into the bathroom. This makes moving and handling the children easier for staff too and puts less strain on their backs.

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“The team are really appreciative of the AccuVein AV400  as it now ensures staff can always wear gloves when trying to feel for veins that have previously been difficult to palpate, which given the current pandemic is even more essential.”

Donna Pooley
Nurse Manager
Sheffield Children’s Hospital

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