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The Birches School in West Didsbury is a Specialist Support Primary School for children who have severe or profound learning difficulties. Many of the pupils also have physical disabilities which greatly restricts their mobility.

An Acheeva Learning Station is a special bed which allows physically disabled pupils to lie straight and work in a supported, balanced posture giving them relief from sitting in a wheelchair all day.  It is compact and easily moveable, allowing children to be included in class activities. The height and angle can be adjusted so the child is at eye level with staff and other classmates which can help with any visual impairment when studying.

The Birches School has asked MedEquip4Kids to provide an Acheeva Learning Station which is needed to support the clinical requirements of 15 of their 143 pupils. Access to this postural equipment will improve the children’s range of movement and help to prevent potential deformities of the spine and hips. It will enhance the child’s ability to participate in curriculum activities which in turn raises their self esteem and well being.

The cost of providing the Acheeva Learning Station is £7272.20

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“The AccuVein AV400 is going to be such a useful addition to our equipment as it will make it easier to see the small veins and thereby make the process a lot gentler on our little patients.”

Nicola Entwistle and Rudo Kupera
Children's Clinic
Royal Preston Hospital

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