19 May
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MedEquip4Kids to provide more resources to give children better mental health

11 May
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Choose MedEquip4Kids as your local Co-op cause and raise funds for children in hospital

24 April
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Better support for babies in Blackpool

21 April
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Another quacking day out at the Quays Duck Race

7 April
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New alarms help kids stay dry at night

30 March
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MedEquip4Kids moves into Manchester city centre!

24 March
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Fun and laughter for kids at Stepping Hill Hospital

17 March
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Faces light up on children’s ward with new sensory equipment

19 January
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Therapy First sponsors places in Salford 10K

12 December
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A very chocolatey start to Christmas

26 September
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Morrisons join us for Tameside SiPAP visit

19 August
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Cyclists triumph in Paris for sick children
“The new outdoor area will boost mood and morale, creating social opportunities in a safe space free from medical interventions and providing distraction from pain and illness. It offers play opportunities for siblings too, helping to normalise the hospital environment and bridge the gap between home and hospital.”
Gillian Heer
Starlight Children’s Unit Manager
Wythenshawe Hospital