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Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital’s Ward 83 is an 11-bed providing round-the-clock care to children from 0-18 years on long term ventilation or with an acquired brain injury requiring rehabilitation. Premature babies with chronic lung disease are also treated on the ward.

The ward’s roles include preparing children and their families for the child’s discharge home, helping the child reach their full potential and ensuring full support for home care is in place prior to discharge. Emphasis is placed on enhancing the quality of each child’s life and the rehabilitation of the family unit.

MedEquip4KIDS have been asked to provide a Rhino Voyager sensory trolley to aid in relaxing and entertaining patients who often spend weeks and months on the ward preparing to go home. The Voyager is fully moveable and can transform a patient’s cubicle into a complete sensory experience with a bubble tube, fibre optic tails and a projector. This can help calm and sooth children while undergoing treatment and provide entertainment during rest times. It can stimulate children to reach their developmental milestones and assist with movement and interaction. The Voyager offers a complete sensory experience, engaging patients in touch, sight, hearing movement and balance and will make a huge difference to their time on the ward.

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Stepping Hill Tree House Unit – AccuVein AV500 vein viewer


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Glasgow Paediatric Continence Service

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“The team are really appreciative of the AccuVein AV400  as it now ensures staff can always wear gloves when trying to feel for veins that have previously been difficult to palpate, which given the current pandemic is even more essential.”

Donna Pooley
Nurse Manager
Sheffield Children’s Hospital

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