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Outdoor learning is an important aspect of education for children as it has many physical benefits as well as supporting pupils mental health. MedEquip4Kids are seeking funds to provide Green Fold Special School with an Accessible Planter which will allow all pupils to get involved with gardening and the planting of flowers, vegetables and herbs. They will learn to care for them throughout the year, enjoy watching them grow and be able to experience their tastes and scents.

Traditional planters often provide a physical barrier to learning and are not accessible to learners who are wheelchair users. The planter selected is L-shaped with multiple planting and potting areas at different heights to enable access from all sides and enough clearance for wheelchair users. It is sturdy and hard wearing with a 10 year guarantee against rot and insect damage which means pupils will benefit from its use for years to come. Although the garden space and planter will be used mostly by the 55 upper school pupils, it will also be accessible for the 60 Reception pupils of the partner mainstream school and will allow interaction between the two groups.

The pupils will learn new skills and an awareness of the natural world around them and encourage them to look after it which will benefit the wider community.

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Elms Bank School and College – Acheeva Graduate Bed


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Macclesfield District General Hospital – Phototherapy Units

The Neonatal Unit at Macclesfield District General Hospital cares for babies from across the East Cheshire area. Many of these will suffer from Jaundice as it is very common in new born babies. The treatment for jaundice is by phototherapy which alters the bilirubin in the body allowing it to be excreted. A preterm or […]

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Tameside General Hospital – Carescape cardiac monitor

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“During winter months our admissions of children with respiratory conditions increase, so these saturation monitors are vital to us being able to safely monitor children. They will allow us to monitor more children both continuously through their stay with us and at intermittent times during their visit. Staff will find the additional units make their jobs easier.”

Jayne Simpson
Ward Manager
Royal Bolton Hospital

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