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Children and young people attend the Dialysis Unit at Leeds Children’s Hospital three times a week with a duration of five hours per visit. National data suggests that this population group will be dialysis dependent for at least 2 years before they receive a transplant. Some will be dependent for longer or sadly require dialysis for life.

The current chairs on the unit are 20 years old and their covers are damaged creating an infection risk. The patients can feel the springs under the seat causing discomfort over the five hours of treatment. The current chairs are also rigid with no ability of movement up and down which increases the risk of musculoskeletal injury for staff. The unit has identified a need for 7 new dialysis chairs and we have currently offered to provide 3 of them. Patients and staff have evaluated different chairs and chosen the best model based on comfort and functionality. These modern chairs are designed to support patient dialysis, support education, facilitate play and social interaction during the lengthy treatment. They will make a huge difference to the hospital experience of these poorly children and young people for 10 or more years.

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“The team are really appreciative of the AccuVein AV400  as it now ensures staff can always wear gloves when trying to feel for veins that have previously been difficult to palpate, which given the current pandemic is even more essential.”

Donna Pooley
Nurse Manager
Sheffield Children’s Hospital

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