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Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice in Liverpool cares for around 40 babies and infants aged 0-5 with both life-limiting and life-threatening conditions such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy and spinal muscular atrophy.

Sometimes children are risk-assessed and it is concluded that standard cots are not appropriate for them to sleep in. Regular cots can pose a danger to children who thrash around and are prone to seizures, as they can potentially injure themselves on the sides of the cot. Children who are too big for standard cots are also at risk, as they can climb or pull themselves out, which could also cause injury.

Safespace cots are specially designed, durable and reliable, high-sided cots for children with special needs. The hospice has one Safespace cot which has been in use for many years and needs replacing.

Having a Safespace cot at the hospice means that babies and children can sleep comfortably in a safer, quieter and more appropriate environment. Without this cot, many children would be unable to attend the hospice and therefore unable to receive the care they require.

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Royal Bolton Hospital -“Magic Medic” Louby-Lou

Royal Bolton Hospital

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Tameside General Hospital – SpiroConnect system

Tameside General Hospital

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Macclesfield District General Hospital – Airvo Optiflow System & Syringe Drivers and Infusion Pumps

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“We think the Sensory Voyagers are amazing and can’t wait to start using them with our patients. They will provide much needed sensory play and will benefit our patients so much.”

Angela O’Neill
Play Specialist
Fairfield General Hospital

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