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The Children’s Community Learning Disability Team at Greenbank Clinic in Preston works with children aged up to 18 with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs. The team have recently moved buildings and are beginning to invite children and families into the clinic after a long period of mainly offering virtual appointments.

Although the building has three clinic rooms for interventions, reviews and assessments, the team do not have the resources to make these environments child-friendly, and somewhere that is therapeutic that children will enjoy coming to.  The rooms only contain a desk and a couple of chairs, and an echoey, blank clinic room is not a suitable environment for children with learning disabilities, autism and sensory processing difficulties. The waiting room also does not feel welcoming for families.

The team would like the rooms to feature different themes to meet the various needs of the children and young people they support. For example, some children who have an over-responsive sensory system will benefit from the calming influence of bubble tubes, however children who are sensory seekers are more inclined to remain regulated if they have the option of engaging in tactile activities during their sessions.

The equipment requested includes bubble tubes tactile mats, activity wall panels, tactile wall panels, beanbags and floor mats, sensory soft play equipment, mirrors, an activity table, and other furniture, toys and games. Providing this equipment would benefit around 750 children a year by making Greenbank Clinic a fit-for-purpose environment that is both calming and enjoyable.

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“During winter months our admissions of children with respiratory conditions increase, so these saturation monitors are vital to us being able to safely monitor children. They will allow us to monitor more children both continuously through their stay with us and at intermittent times during their visit. Staff will find the additional units make their jobs easier.”

Jayne Simpson
Ward Manager
Royal Bolton Hospital

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