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The cots used on the children’s unit are around 13 years old, are worn and need upgrading. Unfortunately, with internal funding in short supply and many competing projects, the hospital are not able to replace them. This year new regulations for cots are being released, so it is expected that the new cots will be designed around childcare and handling and will make a positive difference to the safety and the comfort of the patient. They will be easy to use and maintain, helping to deliver the highest standard of hygiene, and will have special features to care for acutely ill children.

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Stepping Hill Hospital – “Magic Medic” Louby-Lou

Being in hospital can be distressing, frightening and boring for kids. For many years we have funded “Magic Medic” Louby-Lou to entertain children’s wards with her immersive, colourful and vibrant clown show, performing magic tricks and getting kids singing along to popular songs. This distracts them from their treatment and helps to cheer them up. […]

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Royal Preston Hospital – Virtual Reality headset


The children’s unit at Royal Preston Hospital have asked if we can help fund a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to be used across the ward  and the paediatric assessment unit (day cases). A VR headset is a head-worn apparatus that completely covers the eyes for an immersive 3D experience. For example, you might experience swimming […]

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Fingerpost Health Centre, St Helens

Children across the UK have a 0.8% probability of continence problems including both bladder and bowel. In the St Helens area the occurrence is almost double that percentage. The Paediatric Continence Team based at Fingerpost Health Centre has requested Ultrasound Bladder Scanner for their service to enable them to treat children in their own homes. […]

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“Several pupils in the class use the Acheeva bed as part of their postural management program and it has been absolutely invaluable.”

Kira Bühler
Deputy Head Teacher
Lancasterian School, Manchester

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