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The Royal Albert Edward Infirmary Maternity Unit has been involved in the AFFIRM (Awareness of Fetal movement and Focussing Intervention Reduce Fetal Mortality) study for the last 12 months. This essentially involves early access to ultrasound scanning for women experiencing reduced fetal movement in pregnancy. The benefit of using this approach outside of normal working hours is being able to act on abnormal ultrasound findings sooner leading to a dramatic fall in stillbirth rates.

The Labour ward has always had two ultrasound machines available but one has become irreparable due to age and the other is of similar age and will not last much longer. Over 500 women have benefitted from the study in the last year and the unit is keen to maintain the service and to continue to improve birth outcomes.

The Maternity Unit have asked MedEquip4Kids to provide a Voluson Ultrasound Machine to replace the irreparable unit. This machine has been trialled by several clinicians in the department and is in use in other areas of the hospital and therefore familiar to staff. It is modern, practical in use and easily portable.

The total cost of providing the Ultrasound Machine is £22,469.20

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“The contribution of two Acheeva work stations has enhanced what we can offer to many children and students. Two young men are now able to access the larger workstations and their care and quality of life has improved dramatically. Michael now has the extra-large learning station available every day. Please thank everyone on our behalf who raised the money.”

Andy Tearle
Deputy Headteacher
Kings Mill School, Driffield

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