Thank you for considering leaving us a gift in your Will

We really appreciate you taking the time to consider supporting MedEquip4Kids in this way and helping us to create a future where every child has the best possible healthcare.
The benefits of leaving a gift
Although the benefits of leaving a gift in your Will change from time to time as law as changed, at the time of writing a gift in your can be deducted from the value of your estate before inheritance tax is applied. If you choose to leave a gift of 10% or more the inheritance tax applied could be reduced to just 36%. However, as the law changes from time to time we would recommend asking a solicitor to advise you what the tax related benefits will be of leaving a gift in your Will. Of course, the benefit to the charity and our work would be huge.
How to leave a gift in your Will
Leaving a gift doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s pretty easy really, but there are a few legal requirements and bits of legal jargon to follow. We would recommend instructing a will writer or solicitor to guide you through the process and you can find an independent solicitor by visiting the Law Society website here: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk
If you have already made your Will, you can still leave a gift by making what is known as a Codicil, which is simply a document that makes an amendment to your Will. See below for more information.
Residuary gifts
You can leave any gift you choose to MedEquip4Kids, whether a certain amount or a percentage of your estate (known as a residuary gift). The advantage of leaving a residuary gift is that it will decrease in the unlikely event your estate should shrink or increase if your gift should grow. It will also ensure that the gift keeps in line with inflation so the gift the charity receives is of the same value as the day you make your Will. The percentage doesn’t have to be a big figure, even a half percentage or less can make a huge difference.
Below is an example of how a residuary gift could be worded in your will:
“I give [a [ %] share] of my residuary estate to MedEquip4Kids (Registered Charity Number 1102830) absolutely to be used for its work in relation to its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of MedEquip4Kids Chairman or other apparent appropriate executive officer shall be sufficient discharge of my executors’ duty. I DECLARE that if any charitable or other body to which I DECLARE a gift is made in this my Will has changed its name my executors shall give effect to the gift as if it had been made to the body in its changed name. I DECLARE that if any charitable or other body to which I DECLARE a gift is made in this my Will has merged with another charity (the recipient charity) and the merger is registered in the official register of mergers maintained by the Charity Commission then my executors should pay or apply the gift to the recipient charity; I DECLARE that if any charitable or other body to which I DECLARE a gift is made in this my Will has ceased to exist then my executors shall pay or apply the gift to the charity or organisation which they consider most nearly fulfils the objects of my chosen charity.”
If you have already made your Will, but would like to make an amendment to include MedEquip4Kids, please contact your solicitor or will writer. You can also download and fill in the codicil form below to send to your solicitor, or request one to be posted to you.