Grant-making trusts and foundations play a vital role in helping MedEquip4Kids to improve children’s healthcare.
If you have links with a charitable trust that would be interested in supporting us with a grant, we would love to hear from you.
Your gift could help us to fund a major piece of medical equipment for a neo natal unit or children’s unit, which will use the latest technology to significantly improve the standards of treatment and care on offer. Or it could help provide ongoing support for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), who are in urgent need of resources including books, toys and games.
We would be delighted to invite your Trustees to visit a local hospital that has received support from MedEquip4Kids, so you can see first hand how the equipment we fund helps ensure every baby and child receives the best medical care.
To find out more, please contact us to discuss our current projects in need of support.