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Since 2014 MedEquip4Kids has funded resources including games, toys, books, and communication aids for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across the UK.

At least one in ten children and young people has a diagnosable mental health condition. Having these resources available can really enable CAMHS to support and care for young patients, helping them to express and understand their feelings, as well as learning more about their condition and ways to cope.

We recently received this lovely feedback from Stephanie Meehan, a specialist nurse working with young people in Wigan. Stephanie says:

“I just wanted to let you know that our resources arrived. It was like Christmas in the office as we were all a little excited to receive them. Thank you very much again for your help arranging this for us. I have already used the flash cards with a young person and it really helped him to describe his feelings to me and gave us a fun activity to do while we talked. The items you have provided us will really come in useful to help us engage children and young people.”

If you’d like to support our CAMHS project, you can donate here.  Or for more information, please call us on 0161 798 1600 or email info@medequip4kids. Thank you.

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“This donation has enabled us to use more varied and useful therapeutic toys and games when working with children and young people with mental health difficulties, as well as using extra clinic rooms which are now more child-friendly. This has helped reduced anxiety about coming to CAMHS and meant that family therapy can be done. Both parents of a 10 year old boy can now attend with their 5 year old as the youngest child can play with our new resources in the waiting room or clinic space. The 10 year old benefited from therapeutic games about thoughts/feelings and we were also able to observe imaginative play for assessment.”

Dr Eleanor Oswald
Clinical Psychologist, CAMHS
Vale of Leven Hospital

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