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North Manchester General Hospital cares for babies, children and adolescents with a variety of needs.

Sensory Voyager

The Neonatal unit admits a large number of term and pre term babies and, as a Level 2 unit, also accepts a number of babies born at 23 weeks and above from other hospitals. These babies often stay on the unit for up to 6 months and would benefit greatly from both a stimulating and calming sensory environment. The Sensory Voyager is a portable sensory studio which can be used to create a fantastic sensory space in any room. The equipment on the Voyager includes a waterless bubble tube, UV fibre optic strands and a projector wheel for lighting effects and images. There is colour control and an MP3 sound system to complete the sensory atmosphere. The system is lockable and has a dust cover for protection when not in use.

North Manchester General Hospital has requested a Sensory Voyager to calm and stimulate babies during their stay on the Neonatal Unit. The Sensory Voyager will benefit more than 526 babies a year, aiding their development and giving them and their carers a better experience during a stressful time.

The total cost of providing this equipment is £4340.50

Distraction Equipment

Paediatric Outpatients at North Manchester General Hospital is a busy department caring for a variety of patients aged 0 to 16 years. There is a treatment room and a number of clinic rooms that require upgrades to be more child friendly particularly for patients with special needs. Hospitals can be frightening places and when a child is anxious or distressed, it is harder for medical staff to treat them which can affect the child’s health and ability to recover.

The Sensory Voyager plus a variety of mobiles, activity centres and hand held sensory toys and games will enhance the facilities further and give the patients a better experience of hospital visits.

North Manchester General Hospital Children’s Outpatients has asked MedEquip4Kids to provide a Sensory Voyager and additional sensory equipment to relax and distract patients during their treatment. These items will benefit more than 2,500 children a year.

The total cost of providing this equipment is £5,878.60

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Manchester Foundation Trust

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“The materials provided greatly help with the therapeutic process and engaging children, young people and their families in therapeutic work. The young people greatly appreciate having this equipment to use within their sessions. Many of the young people we see have a history of trauma including neglect and being able to access materials that they can use and enjoy is of great benefit and hopefully assists us to reinforce the messages of their worth as their self-concept is often very low.”

Michaela Foster
CAMHS Young People’s Team
Leicestershire CAMHS Partnership

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